Economic And Community Development Committee
The duties of the Committee on Economic and Community Development shall be: (1) To support and promote the development of competitive, quality Black businesses whenever and wherever economically feasible; (2) to develop the means to influence and audit the affairs of government at all levels to assure equitable treatment of Black business; (3) to ensure availability and adequate delivery of health and social services in the Black Community; (4) to seek ways to improve the economic status of Blacks by working to eliminate discriminatory employment practices in industry and government, securing the enactment of state and federal fair employment practices legislation, and working to end discriminatory practices in labor organizations; (5) to work to increase the overall income level of the Black Community, and revise the economic value of the Black Community; (6) to inform the Black consumer of the available goods and services of Black businesses; (7) to research the economic and community conditions of Blacks in Oregon, and recommend ways to improve such conditions; and (8) to review zoning, land use patterns and practices, use of community development funds, prison systems, police practices and day care centers to determine how they affect the Black Community.
Education Committee
The duties of the Committee on Education shall be: (1) to work for equal education opportunities for Blacks at all levels, and to eliminate all unequal education opportunities and inferior educational programs; (2) to promote and encourage multicultural education programs; (3) to study statewide educational conditions affecting Blacks; and (4) to keep informed of school conditions and strive to correct abuses where found.
Employment Committee
The duties of the Committee on Employment shall be: (1) to investigate employment discrimination complaints brought to the committee, refer employment discrimination complaints to appropriate agencies and provide assistance to the complainants in having their complaints handled expeditiously; (2) to research the availability of and disseminate information on employment opportunities at all levels; (3) to work actively with other organizations involved in promoting equal employment opportunity, and support the development of affirmative action hiring programs which seek to assist Blacks in gaining access to employment; and (4) to make recommendations to the Board of Directors on legislation affecting equal employment opportunity.
Finance Committee
The Committee on Finance shall consist of the President, Treasurer, Secretary and two other members of the Corporation. Its duties shall be: (1) to prepare a budget of the Corporation and develop ways to raise the funds to meet the requirements of the budget; (2) to evaluate projects referred by the Board of Directors and to recommend approval or rejection of the projects; and (3) to plan and conduct fund-raising activities, including entertainments and other projects, for purposes within the scope of the Corporation programs.
Housing Committee
The duties of the Committee on Housing shall be: (1) to research the availability and financing of housing for Blacks; (2) to monitor and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on legislation affecting housing; (3) to work with other organizations concerning housing issues; and (4) to investigate housing complaints brought to the committee, refer complainants to appropriate redress agencies, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for further action on housing complaints.
Media Communications Committee
The duties of the Committee on Media Communication shall be: (1) to monitor local media to ascertain whether positive activities and events in the Black Community are given coverage and ensure FCC compliance; (2) to work to eliminate racial stereotypes; (3) to encourage Blacks to use all means of communications to improve the image of Blacks in Oregon; (4) to encourage broadcasting and advertising industries to upgrade and improve the quality of children’s television, particularly as it relates to the diffusion of racial tension and isolation; (5) to work for employment opportunities for Blacks in television, radio, cable television, and other media communication industries; and (6) to encourage Blacks to become owners of media franchises.
Membership Committee
The duties of the Committee on Membership shall be: (1) to review application for membership in the Corporation and make recommendation to the Board of Directors for further action; (2) to work throughout the year to maintain and increase the membership of the Corporation; (3) to plan and organize annual membership campaign; and (4) to solicit new members and for securing membership and renewals on a continuous basis.
Political Action Committee
The duties of the committee on Political Action shall be: (1) to encourage Blacks to understand, participates, and affect the political process at all levels of government; (2) to develop a plan of action designed to create a political awareness within the Black Community aimed at alleviating the existing apolitical condition; (3) to implement programs to educate the Black Community about the most fundamental aspects of local, state, and federal government; (4) to mobilize Black participation in the political process, by a statewide voter education program and follow through with a vigorous statewide voter registration drive; (5) to encourage Blacks to become a viable force within the existing political system, operating from an independent power base; to promote unity in voting practice; (6) to work for the enactment of municipal, state, and federal legislation designed to improve the political, educational, social, legal, and economic status of Blacks in Oregon; (7) to recommend the endorsement of candidates for public office who are supportive of affairs of the Black Community; (8) to establish a political relationship on a statewide basis with all minority groups to form a viable coalition of mutual concerns; (9) to host an Oregon Black Political Convention, during the spring of election years; and (10) to serve as a community liaison between elected officials and the community.